Powerful, brilliant ideas that inspire the audience to take action to be a more impactful version of themselves


Are you looking for a powerful yet relatable speaker who can inspire your teams to take action to be the most impactful version of themselves?


Do you want them to take away actionable tips that will enable them to own every room they walk into?


Are you looking for a speaker who walks the talk and brings an impactful presence on stage?


Are you looking for a speaker who has phenomenal communication skills and can bring storytelling, humor, case studies, relatability and engagement to the room?

By inviting me to work with your organisation, you ensure that your teams will walk away empowered with actionable tips, interesting new ideas and live example of owning a room.

I am proud of my own presence, honed with several years of mindful practice, and this forms the foundation from which participants learn from. 

From my tips, my ideas and my own presence.

  • Impactful Presence
  • Confidence
  • Growth Mindset
  • Living Impactfully


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