Hi there! I’m
Dipika Singh.

Welcome to
She Means Business

Hi there! I’m
Dipika Singh.

Welcome to “She Means Business”. The world is a stage. And you are a star.

As an Executive Presence trainer and content creator, I specialise in empowering professionals like you to exude confidence, charisma, and authority in every interaction. This is my space to inspire, enable and equip you with the tools and techniques to elevate your presence to the next level. I bring easy to action and relatable tips that can help you own any room - meeting, conference or even a party. The world's a stage. And you are a star. Use the She Means Business resources to unlock your full potential and cultivate a commanding presence that leaves a lasting impact

I’m looking forward to our journey together.

Learn the tools, tips and systems to maximise your presence and create a memorable impact in all situations and with all people you engage with.


I strongly believe that our body language, communication skills and style can be elevated to help us look and feel our most confident best in any situation. 

I offer actionable tips and practical playbooks for leaders to own any room they walk into, create buy-in for their ideas, engage with compassion and authority and leave behind a memorable aura.

After 15 years in marketing leading brands, I now work as a learning facilitator, keynote speaker and content creator. 

With a single purpose and subject – enable participants to create an impactful presence


After 15 years in marketing leading brands, I now work as a learning facilitator, keynote speaker and content creator. 

With a single purpose and subject – enable participants to create an impactful presence.

I strongly believe that our body language, communication skills and style can be elevated to help us look and feel our most confident best in any situation. 

I offer actionable tips and practical playbooks for leaders to own any room they walk into, create buy in for their ideas, engage with compassion and authority and leave behind a memorable aura.


As an Executive Presence trainer and content creator, I specialise in empowering professionals like you to exude confidence, charisma, and authority in every interaction.

This is my space to inspire, enable and equip you with the tools and techniques to elevate your presence to the next level. I bring easy to action and relatable tips that can help you own any room – meeting, conference or even a party.

The world’s a stage. And you are a star. Use the She Means Business resources to unlock your full potential and cultivate a commanding presence that leaves a lasting impact.


The Founder


After 15 years in marketing leading brands, I now work as a learning facilitator, keynote speaker and content creator. 

With a single purpose and subject – enable participants to create an impactful presence.

I strongly believe that our body language, communication skills and style can be elevated to help us look and feel our most confident best in any situation. 

I offer actionable tips and practical playbooks for leaders to own any room they walk into, create buy-in for their ideas, engage with compassion and authority and leave behind a memorable aura.


What makes me different

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